Node.js Essential Training

Node.js-Events and Streams

The final stage of development in Node.js Essential Training is Event and Streams. This section covers Emitting events and attaching listeners, Streaming chunked data through readable streams, Controlling readable streams, Piping readable data into writable streams and Handling duplex streams over TCP.

Responsive CSS with Sass and Compass

Styling with Sass and Compass

The next stage of development in Responsive CSS with Sass and Compass is Styling with Sass and Compass. This area covers Styling our base partial with variables, selector helpers, and parent selectors, Making your CSS more semantic, Controlling mixin parameters and Creating a mobile-first layout.

Foundation of Photography: Exposure

Exposure Compensation

The stage of development of Foundation of Photography: Exposure  is Exposure Compensation. This area covers Exposure compensation, Intentional overexposure, Intentional underexposure, Controlling tone, The histograms, Tone and color, Auto exposure bracketing and Exercise: Go work with exposure compensation.

Foundation of Photography: Exposure

Shutter Speed Fundamentals

The next stage of development in Foundation of Photography is Shutter Speed Fundamentals. This area covers Shooting sharp images, Noting shutter speed, Taking control of shutter speed, Stop defined, Shutter priority mode, Reciprocity, Controlling motion, Shutter speed increments, Exercise:  Shutter speed and Exercise: Go work with shutter speed.
